Set Up Password-less SSH Steps: 1. Generate public and private SSH keys on the Ambari Server host. $ ssh-keygen 2. Copy the SSH Public Key ( to the root account on your target hosts. .ssh/id_rsa .ssh/ 3. Add the SSH Public Key to the authorized_keys file on your target hosts. $cat >> authorized_keys 4. Depending on your version of SSH, you may need to set permissions on the .ssh directory (to 700) and the authorized_keys file in that directory (to 600) on the target hosts. $chmod 700 ~/.ssh $chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 5. From the Ambari Server, make sure you can connect to each host in the cluster using SSH, without having to enter a password. $ssh root@<> where <> has the value of each host name in your cluster. 6. If the following warning message displays during your first connection: Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Enter Yes. ...
This blog show the step-by-step installation of various tools of emerging technologies..