Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic application. Steps to Install Step1. Download apache flume from the link http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/www.apache.org/dist/flume/ Step2. Extract the tar file $sudo tar -xvf apache-flume- Create a directory named /usr/lib/flume $sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/flume Provide permissions for access $sudo chown -R 777 /usr/lib/flume Copy the extracted file to /usr/lib/flume $sudo cp /home/hadoop1/apache-flume- /usr/lib/flume Step2. Set FLUME_HOME, FLUME_CONF_DIR environment variables in .bashrc file as shown below and add the flume bin directory to ...
This blog show the step-by-step installation of various tools of emerging technologies..