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Showing posts from December, 2016

Apache Spark

  Spark on Windows ========================================== Step 1: Download and  install JDK Step 2: Download Spark Choose the following options for the download 1. Choose a Spark release - 1.6.1 2. Pre-built for Hadoop 2.6 or later 3. Direct Download 4. Click on the spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz Step 3: Extract the tar file Step 4: Copy the contents of the tar files into  C:\spark\ folder Step 5: Update the to set the messages to WARN C:\spark\conf\ Set the property - log4j.rootCategory=WARN Save the file as Step 6: Download winutils.exe from the  here 1. Create a folder C:\winutils\bin 2. Copy the winutils.exe file into C:\bin\winutils.exe Step 7: Set the environment variables (Inform Windows where is Spark) SPARK_HOME = ...