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Apache Spark

 Spark on Windows

Step 1: Download and  install JDK

Step 2: Download Spark

Choose the following options for the download
1. Choose a Spark release - 1.6.1
2. Pre-built for Hadoop 2.6 or later
3. Direct Download
4. Click on the spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz

Step 3: Extract the tar file

Step 4: Copy the contents of the tar files into 

C:\spark\ folder

Step 5: Update the to set the messages to WARN


Set the property - log4j.rootCategory=WARN

Save the file as

Step 6: Download winutils.exe from the here

1. Create a folder C:\winutils\bin
2. Copy the winutils.exe file into C:\bin\winutils.exe

Step 7: Set the environment variables (Inform Windows where is Spark)

SPARK_HOME =  C:\spark
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_71
HADOOP_HOME = C:\winutils
PATH = %SPARK_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin (append to the existing path)

In Windows

1) Right click on Start Menu
2) Click on Control Panel
3) Click on System and Security
4) Click on System
5) Click on Advanced System Settings
6) Click on Environment Variable button
1. Add New Environment Variable
2. Variable Name: SPARK_HOME, Variable Value: C:\spark, Save the variable
3. Variable Name: JAVA_HOME, Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_71
4. Variable Name: PATH, Variable Value (append to the end of the string) %SPARK_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
5. Variable Name: HADOOP_HOME, Variable Value: C:\winutils

Step 8: Open a terminal and start the spark shell

1. Command Prompt App
2. cd C:\spark\bin
       3. spark-shell


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